Fabric Manufacturing Business
Color&Touch는 최고의 경쟁력있는 원단비지니스 수행을 목표로 가지고 2014년 2월 설립되었습니다.
베트남 소재 니트원단 제조회사인 C&T VINA의 설비를 기반으로 안정적이고, 좋은품질의 서비스를
약속드릴 수 있게 되었습니다.
또한 대대적인 염가공 설비 증설과 교체, 편직단지 조성 등 과감한 투자와 연구개발에 대한 열정으로
전문화되고 차별화된 제품으로 고객께 진정으로 도움이 되는 회사가 되겠습니다.
Color&Touch was established in February 2014 with a goal to carry out best competitive textile business in the world.
Based on the facilities of C&T VINA, manufacturer of knitwear textile located in Vietnam, the Company promises to provide stable and good quality services.
In addition, making lavish investment in broad-scale extending and replacement of dyeing processing facilities and knitting complex construction and having a passion for R&D, the Company promises to provide such differentiated products that the Company becomes truly helpful to the customers.
- 설립(Established) / 2006. 03
- 한세실업 인수(Acquired Hanse Co.,Ltd.) / 2013. 03
- 편직단지 임대시작(Started business of lease of knitting complex) / 2014. 11
- 염가공 설비 증설(increased dyeing processing facilities / 120,000 → 500,000kg/day) / 2015
Facilities |
Machines |
Type |
Capacity/Day |
Capacity/Month |
Dyeing |
28 |
Cotton |
37,000kg |
925,000kg |
Synthetic |
Finishing |
45 |
Tenter |
45,000kg |
625,000kg |
Tube compact |
13,000kg |
325,000kg |
Wash |
25,000kg |
625,000kg |
Raising (Fleece) |
18,000kg |
450,000kg |
Raising (Peach&Ceramic) |
13,000kg |
325,000kg |